Saturday, December 8, 2007

Financial Reports-Accounting Ratios

LIQUIDITY RATIO measures the ability of a company to meet its short-term finance obligations.

Current Ratio=current assets/ current liabilities.
A ratio of 2 is healthy as to ensure LIQUIDITY.
The greater the ratio, the greater the company's ability to meet its short term debt.
However, a current ratio of greater than 4 may imply that company is underutilising its assets.

Acid test ratio=( Current assets-inventories)/current liabilities.
It's a better reflection of company's liquidity than the current ratio.

SOLVENCY RATIO is the ability of company to service its long term debt obligation.

Debt-to-assets ratio=total liabilities/total assets=total liabilities/(total liabilities + shareholder equity).
Low ratio indicates that the owners are providing more funds for the business than the creditors.Hence there is a lower risk of bad debts as company will be able to pay its debts.

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