Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Start-Up Informations

Begin by educating yourself on finance. These are some of the recommendations with reference from "4 Steps to Financial Freedom" by Seah Toh.

General Wealth Awareness
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad ( Robert T. Kiyosaki )
  • The Richest Man in Babylon ( George S. Clason )
  • Think & Grow Rich ( Napolean Hill )
  • Pay Yourself First - A Guide to Financial Success ( Jesse B. Brown )
Stock Investment
  • The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros ( Mark Tier )
  • The Intelligent Investor ( Benjamin Graham )
Passive Income
  • Earn Revenue With Google Adsense
  • Multiple Streams of Income Second Edition ( Robert G Allen )
  • Multiple Streams of Internet Income ( Robert G Allen )

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