Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Start NOW!

Earned Income
  • have 3 bank accounts, 1 for expenses and 1 for emergency/opportunity uses and 1 for investments.
  • have a Regular Saving Plan. $100/month?
  • start a part-time job that takes up six hours/week. giving tuition? waiter?
Portfolio Income
  • Put a fixed amount of money every month into an index fund for 30 years without missing a single month. Method is called Dollar Cost Averaging.
  • Purchase a personal saving insurance for yourself when you are young like me. Lumps sums of money will be given to you upon maturity of approx 30yrs.
  • Buy good fundamental stocks with good management and brand names when there is a BEAR market. Reason being, they will bounce back high after the down period.
  • Reinvest your dividends or profits from your portfolio investment.
  • Put a fixed amount of money every month into 2 well-established blue-chip stocks for 30 years without missing a single month. Singtel?
Passive Income
  • Use Google's Adsense if you like blogging.
  • Sell your unwanted items through eBay.
  • Buy a house and rent it out.
  • Create a website selling products using Internet marketing.
  • Create network of many small businesses in areas you are good at.

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